Words related to category: 6.5.2 Parts of a building Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
alaa smokehole | dooxn brace | dooxnsk brace | gyits'oon back of a room kitchen | g̱alksiliksoox doorway | g̱ayoo gable | g̱aapxs sill of a window or door | g̱a̱liilp house beam | g̱a̱lmyiksts'altk bathroom sink | g̱a̱mg̱antk door | g̱a̱neexs ladder | g̱a̱np'iyaan chimney | ha'liwaalxs floor | ha'ytisk house post | lag̱awk= from the side of the house to the fire | la̱xhalhal upstairs | la̱xla̱xha upstairs | la̱x'oo waap roof | la̱x stuup'l platform | liksoox door | lukwłiwaap under the house | lusg̱a̱'ayee partitions/bulkhead | lutxalla̱xha ceiling | lu'ya'ya̱xs hooya closet | mang̱a̱neexs stairs | ma̱xsn place upright/pilings | ma̱xsnsk house posts | niksuugit housefront painting | nwil lulaałk bedroom | 'na stuup'l back of house | 'niksuniiskw window | s'yaan floor | ts'mgyiika downstairs | ts'mg̱a̱n door frame | ts'mluum bedroom | ts'myuup menstruation closet | waap building | wa̱p guk kitchen | wa̱p g̱alts'ap community hall | wa̱p int habool g̱alts'ap band office | wa̱p sigwaantk kitchen | wa̱p tseg̱a̱la̱k fire hall | wa̱p xsan casino/bingo hall | wusinsgüü hip of roof | xba̱= away/door to door | xba̱haydzn send someone door to door |